5 tips on how to remain positive this Christmas.
Christmas as a child I have lots of happy memories, having my grandparents around and enjoying the festive time. I don't ever recall arguments or any negativity around Christmas.
Leading into adult hood my Christmas mindset shifted, with life experiences happening my thoughts towards Christmas lead me to being a bit of a festive Grinch. It started back in 2008 when I was made redundant just a few weeks before Christmas, It was the same year that Woolworths was going into liquidation. Luckily this was pre children days so I didn't have that to worry about.
In 2009 I found myself back in my job pre university working for a local bookmakers. I progressed up to becoming shop manager and transferred to a new shop. Christmas 2009 was approaching and I was working a normal evening shift and 3 young lads entered with knifes and bats. Yes it was an armed robbery, It terrified me and it was a nightmare any evening cashier dreads. They smashed the glass and pulled phone off hook as I reached to call help. Something I will never forget, even now I have no idea how they didn't walk away with anything other than the next day's float.
Each year I began to worry what is going to happen, each year my mind would race over thinking what would go wrong. Each year went buy and each year something happened..
My first husband left after having an affair with his pupil days before Christmas.
I found myself living on eggshells while pregnant realising my next partner was an alcoholic.
I struggled to financially afford Christmas with a young child and alcoholic partner.
I asked for help, before I even began my relationship with the universe, I asked for help something had to change. That alcoholic partner left on boxing day and never came back... the universe listened.
I later went on to meet my now husband Phil, I remember our first Christmas approaching and my anxiety around Christmas was sky high. Things still happened like flat tyre in snow, kitchen ceiling leaked and we did loose our third baby early December in 2018.
During these last few years I have worked so hard on my mindset and how when bad things happen to switch that thinking around in order to get through the situation. I no longer have the Christmas dread, the anxiety is no longer there and below I will be sharing some of my tips on how to deal with Christmas and a more positive Christmas.
5 tips to bring your Christmas Sparkle.
Make sure you plan in time for you, filling your own cup up is super important. The stress around Christmas can be overwhelming so make sure your cup is full in order to be the best version of you.
Be honest, If your struggling with money, time, stress or anxiety speak out. Ask for support. There is people out there family, friends, colleagues and support groups which maybe able to help you. If you don't want to reach out maybe grab a pen and paper and write out those thoughts through journaling. Processing and understanding those emotions will help.
Make sure your sticking to your usual mindset, selfcare routines. If you have a morning routine try your best to stick to this as much as possible. Starting your morning off with a good routine will help you set your day.
Write yourself some affirmations, if you know your going to have some difficult days maybe that be loss of loved one, being around others who may drain your energy or it could just been Christmas doesn't bring you joy. Write 5 affirmations you can start practicing now ready. These could be ' My Christmas is filled with joy and happiness' 'My Christmas will be a happy and relaxing'.
Live in the moment, using gratitude and mindfulness techniques you can appreciate what you have right now. When we are working with gratitude we are lifting our vibrations which in turn can help lift your spirits.
I have now switched my own mindset around Christmas into a happy exciting event. I now enjoy the build up to Christmas and it is all down to these small mindset changes.
Let your sparkle come back.
Much Love
Vision Board Queen.