This week's blog has been written by Louise Anne, Louise Anne is going to talk us through her journey to reclaiming her voice.
By Louise Anne
After my marriage ended, I was in a dark place…
The emotional abuse I endured left me feeling broken, and I found myself struggling with suicidal thoughts.
As a result, I was sent for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), hoping that it would provide some relief.
But instead of the support I desperately needed, I was met with dismissiveness.
At that time, emotional abuse wasn’t recognised as a crime as it is today, and my therapist gaslit me about my own experiences.
I left CBT no longer in the depth of the darkness but with new wounds to heal.
I felt as though my pain wasn’t valid, my experiences didn’t matter and I was wasting their time.
That experience left a lasting mark on me.
It was a harsh reminder that in order to really and truly help people, you need a lot more than just qualifications.
Lived experience can be MUCH more powerful than any certification or degree.
This was ultimately what brought me on the path of sharing my story, and inspired me to start my business. It led me to create the Abused to Empowered® framework so that women could take back their own power and not be left at the hands of those with qualifications but no compassion.
I know the pain of feeling dismissed and unheard.
I know the loneliness and isolation of wondering if there really is a way out of the hardship. I’ve lived it all. And so I made it my mission to ensure others don’t go through the same thing.
Abusers thrive in silence. They teach their victims that’s where their safety lies. But it doesn’t.
It took years for me to build the courage to stand and share my experiences with others. And the first time I stood on the red spot as a TEDx speaker nearly broke me. But I was not going to be silenced anymore.

You can listen to Louise's TEDx talk here.
But there was still something I wanted to achieve. My book. I wanted to write my story, to share it in a way that felt like a legacy I was happy to leave. And yet I have sat and struggled time and time again to make progress. Piecing it together, opening old wounds, pulling at memories that I am obviously still not ready to face.
When I was asked to write a chapter for a collaboration book, it felt like a lifeline. As though someone had offered me a step up to help me reach the next level of my story telling. A guiding hand to hold me while I navigate this difficult experience.
Being on this journey and reading the lived experience of others has inspired me in ways I never expected. Ripples of Positivity is more than just a collaboration book. It has already surpassed that status.
It is a catalyst for change. A home of inspiration. A reminder of hope.
And for that I am truly grateful to have been a part of it.
If you are interested in the Abused to Empowered Framework please check out my work at
And the book Ripples of Positivity will be available to buy 21st October 2024.

Website owner Lisa Williams - Also known as the Vision Board Queen is on a mission to help other people's messages, visions and events be seen.
Thank you Jen who wrote this blog to get her vision of sharing music online and offline.
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