As I write this blog I am sat in my office in our NEW DREAM HOME..... and I wanted to share this moment with you of how I have moved my life into a direction where dreams come true.
In 2015 I was at a point in my life where my home was under repossession, I was over 30k in debt. I honestly did not see a way out of the dark hole I was in, I had just become a single mum and I didn't have a penny to my name. I was scared and at one point ringing around charities to see if I could get any help, but because I was a home owner they couldn't help until I was physically on the streets. I was afraid, and felt like I had failed as a mum. At this point I knew I had to do something I couldn't let this happen so I focussed on keeping me home, I worked night and day to provide for me and my girl who was only 2.
Then along came Mr Williams, even with my situation from day 1 he never ran. He stayed and not only did he welcome me and Alysa into his heart he also helped us. You could say he saved us. We became a family.
In 2018 I created my first ever vision board. I remember being on this holiday in Cyprus not long after I created my 1st vision board in 2018.... (me and Mr Williams also got engaged).
I remember looking out to the sea each day and truly having faith all my dreams will come true....

Ever since I created my very first vision board I always had a bigger house on there, it was always a 4 bedroom semi detached new build house..
(see below)

I Never knew how I would achieve it, I didn't know when but I always knew it would happen!!
Fast forward on 30th April 2021, this dream became reality. We purchased our 4 bedroom dream home..... semi detached, new build.

So my message to you today, no matter how far away your dreams may seem. Trust yourself, trust the universe. You are the creator of your life, go and create your dreams.
Much love
Vision Board Queen.
P.s we have our next vision board challenge starting soon, feel free to join us....